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On December 31, 2009, Lionsgate, Cookie Jar and the Sesame Workshop released VeggieTales Kids: The Complete 2000s Collection, containing 2 movies, 8 season 2 episodes, 30 season 3 episodes, 29 season 4 episodes, 28 season 5 episodes, 19 season 6 episodes, 20 season 7 episodes, 19 season 8 episodes, 20 season 9 episodes and 19 season 10 episodes.


  1. The Missing Camera/Family Feud
  2. Happy Valentine's Day/Bob's Date
  3. No TV For A Week/Computer Trouble
  4. Mother's Day Celebration/Choir Class
  5. The Big Math Test/Tuba or Not Tuba
  6. The Fire Drill/No Smoking
  7. Junior's Nightmare/ The Veggie Air Force
  8. Mr. Nezzer, the Diabetic/ The Dog Chase
  9. The Written Report/ Happy Birthday Larry
  10. Laura's Assembly/ No Recess Today
  11. Bob Gets a Cat/ Jailbreak
  12. The Science Presentation/ Archibald's Halloween
  13. Madame Blueberry's Cake/ Cookies and Ice Cream
  14. Call the Cops/ Stealing is Wrong
  15. The Blizzard/ Bob's Sing Along Show
  16. The Christmas Concert/ Hanukkah Night
  17. Saturday School/ The Mystery of the Missing Shoe
  18. Teacher Trouble/ Held Back
  19. The Last Straw/ The Stolen Bicycle
  20. Escape from Prison/ Larry's Library Book
  21. Bob's Anxiety/ Crime and Grounding
  22. So Long Fluffy/ Flunked
  23. Tomato Punched/ Grandpa George Returns
  24. Grandpa George's Grandson/ Jack O' Lantern Crisis
  25. A Very Kooky Halloween
  26. Jason and Michelle's Visit/ The Wacky Rain and Snowstorm
  27. No Business Like Snow Business/ Tomato V.S Cucumber
  28. Grandpa George's Backache/ Who Said That
  29. Pa Grape and the Bad Sneeze/ Hooray for Bob
  30. Larry's Bad Behavior/ No More Candy
  31. Hide and Squish/ Cupcake Catastrophe
  32. Turkeys and Pilgrims Beware/ The Unforgettable Science Quiz
  33. The Bet/ Dog and Cat Mystery
  34. Larry Gets Suspended/ Christmas Celebration
  35. No Such Luck/ Silly Songs with Larry (episode)
  36. Red Light, Green Light/ Larry's New Kitten
  37. Mr. Nezzer's Naughty Trick/ Zucchini Criminal
  38. Go Back to Jail Mr. Nezzer/ Bob's Interruption
  39. Jimmy's Puppy/ Jerry's Television Obsession
  40. Jerry's Halloween (TV special)
  41. Madame Blueberry's Predicament/ The Bad Stomachache
  42. Pancakes and Muffins/ Bob Gets the Flu
  43. Hospitalized/ Mr. Squashy Loses His Cool
  44. Bob and Larry's School Schedule/ Read Away
  45. To the Principal's Office/ Bob and Larry's Computer
  46. Santa Claus' Visit/ Candy Cane Catastrophe
  47. Bob and Larry's Valentine's Day Special (TV special)
  48. French Pea Lies/ Go to Your Room French Peas
  49. The New Baby/ Questions and Answers
  50. The Milk Mystery/ Junk Food V.S Healthy Food
  51. Bob the Tomato's Missing Lunchbox/ Mr. Nezzer Gets Expelled
  52. Fluffy Comes Back/ Unlock the Door
  53. Grandpa George Gets the Cold/ Grandpa George's Chest Ache
  54. Grandpa George's Holiday Celebration (TV special)
  55. The Stolen Bubbles/ House Arrest
  56. Rumors Can Hurt/ Gone Too Soon
  57. Grandpa George's Funeral... Or Not/ Welcome Back Grandpa George
  58. Mr. Nezzer's Detention Duration/ The Human Body Science Test.
  59. The Absence of Mr. Squashy/ Choir Catastrophe
  60. Phone Confiscation/ Archibald Tries Again
  61. Potty Trained/ Please Share Larry
  62. Week with Grandparents/ Healthfully Ever After
  63. Bob's Allergy/ Peanut Awareness
  64. Emphysema Awareness/ Football Flags
  65. Pass Interference/ Automatic Disqualifications
  66. The Great Ski Race/ Green is the New Black
  67. Archibald's Vision Problem/ Bob's Black Eye
  68. Bowling Madness/ Sorry, No School Today
  69. Mr. Nezzer's Negative Attitude/ No Presents for Naughty Veggies
  70. Mr. Squashy's Depression/ Mr. Jerrycone is Back
  71. Bob's Birthday/ Larry's Expulsion
  72. Larry Sneaks to School/ Grounded Forever
  73. What Is That Stench/ Promise Broken
  74. Bob's Bad Manners/ Poisoning is Not a Laughing Matter
  75. The Halloween Bandit/ Clown Chaos
  76. Grandpa George Gets Heart Disease/ Get Well
  77. Annie Gets the Gimmies/ Please Be Thankful
  78. Larry's Hiccups/ It's Not Easy Being Red
  79. Merry Christmas Grandpa George.
  80. Bob and Larry's Football Team/Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  81. The Firework Display/ No More Crazy Bus Larry
  82. You Can't Handle the Truth/Actions Have Consequences
  83. Nerves of Steal/Bob Gets Lost
  84. The Missing Goldfish/ Stop Mr. Nezzer
  85. The Missing Halloween Candy/ Bad Dog
  86. Larry the Tattletale/ The Growing Apple Tree
  87. Bob Gets a Job/ Kicked Out
  88. Goodbye Mr. Singalot/ Bob and the Case of the Wet Book
  89. Reindeer and Snowmen Abroad/ The Return of Buzz Saw Louie
  90. Eat Your Green Beans Mr. Nezzer/ The Checkup
  91. Jimmy and the Goldfish/ Bob and Larry's Talent Show
  92. Bob Gets Stage Fright/ The Huge Language Arts Test
  93. The Band Played On/ Go to Sleep
  94. Carnival Fun/ The Stray Dog
  95. Get Out Mr. Nezzer/ Grandpa George Goes Shopping
  96. Ghosts and Goblins and Witches/ Sold Out
  97. Bob's Thanksgiving (TV special)
  98. The Eclipse/ The Winter Games
  99. Christmas Shopping/ Too Much Candy Canes


  1. The VeggieTales Kids Movie
  2. The VeggieTales Kids Movie 2: Veggies At Home