On December 31, 1999, Artisan, Family Home Entertainment Kids, CINAR and the CTW released VeggieTales Kids: The Complete 1990s Collection, containing 20 season 1 episodes and 21 season 2 episodes.
- Bob Wants Toys/The Case of the Missing Donut
- Sharing Trouble/Bob's Bath Time
- Ice Cream Madness/Come Back Larry
- Naughty Larry/Bob Gets Books
- Mean Mr. Nezzer/Bob Gets Bullied
- A Greedy Berry/Bob's Grandpa Visits
- Bob's Christmas Cards/Naughty or Nice
- Larry, You're Grounded/Bob's Bad Day
- Dognapper/The Big Lie
- Larry Did It Bob Did It/Time-Out
- Mr. Nezzer's Bullying Club/No More Mr. Nice Guy
- Locked in Detention/Homework Crisis
- Larry's Bad Grade/Bob and Larry Cheat In Class
- No Easter Candy/Where Is The Bus
- Larry, the Troublemaker/Caught Red Handed
- The Stolen Hat/The Mystery of the Cookie Crook
- Expelled/Bob's Uncle Visits
- The Ruined Tea Party/Mr. Nezzer Gets Arrested
- Mr. Lunt's Cooking/Larry's Comic Collection
- Cat Fight/Bob and Larry's Bee Sting
- Stormy Weather/Sick Day
- Rules are Rules/No Slacking Allowed
- Larry's Tantrum/Archibald's Doctor Appointment
- The Tomato Who Couldn't Walk/Emotion Commotion
- Larry Goes Swimming/Bob's Skiing Adventure
- How Mr. Nezzer Stole Christmas