- Where's God When I'm S-Scared?
- God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?!
- Are You My Neighbor?
- Rack, Shack and Benny
- Dave and the Giant Pickle
- The Toy That Saved Christmas
- Very Silly Songs!
- Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!
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- Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
- King George and the Ducky
- Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen
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- Greece
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- Jonah Sing-Along Songs and More!
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- The Spies Who Hate Me
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- Runaway Rocketeers
- Let's Fake a Deal
- An Easter Carol
- The Great Korean Cook-Off
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- Sumo of the Opera
- Donut Wars
- Duke and the Great Pie War
- Arnold and the Blemish Dilemma
- Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush
- King for a Day
- Lord of the Beans
- Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler
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- Win Some, Lose Some
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- Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving
- Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't
- The Barely Credibles
- Sweetpea Beauty
- The Chipmunk Infestation
- It's a Meaningful Life
- An Oyster Carol
- 'Twas the Night Before Easter
- A Voodoo's Tale
- Samurai of the Opera
- Princess and the Popstar
- The Little Drummer Boy
- Toot or Consequences
- Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men
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- The Penniless Princess
- The Sleuth Hurts
- The League of Incredible Vegetables
- The Godmother
- The Little House That Stood
- The Slightly Reckless Ruckus
- MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle
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- Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas
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- Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier
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- How to Blame Your Dragon
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- I Dream of Jonah
- It's a Fanciful Life
- 'Twas the Day After Christmas
- The Great Escape 2: Captain Simon's True Love
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- Doug the Kindly Caveboy
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- Broadway Chaos!