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(November 4, 2015) |
The Ultimate Collection of Stories is a VeggieTales compilation video that contains 40 VeggieTales stories. It is the biggest collection yet.
Stories Included
- The Story of George Muller
- The Little House That Stood
- Dave and the Giant Pickle
- King George and the Ducky
- The Visible Side
- LarryBoy and the Fib From Outer Space
- Noah's Ark
- Veggies In Space: The Fennel Frontier
- Tales From the Crisper
- Larry's Lagoon
- Duke and the Great Pie War
- Going Up
- The Good Egg of Gooseville
- Josh and the Big Wall
- The English Man Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down With All the Bananas
- Journal Of A Puny Vegetable
- Daniel and the Lions' Den
- The Gourds Must Be Crazy
- An Easter Carol
- Pistachio
- Blunders In Boo-Boo Ville
- LarryBoy and the Rumor Weed
- Beauty and the Beet
- St. Patrick's Day
- Lunch
- A Pirate's Life
- The League of Incredible Vegetables Return!
- Rack, Shack, and Benny
- Madame Blueberry
- Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas
- Beware the Living Fried Chicken Zombies!
- Sumo of the Opera
- Babysitter In De Nile
- Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella
- Moe and the Big Exit
- The Toy That Saved Christmas
- Sonic the Hedgehog Comes To Town
- The Story of Flibber-O-Loo
- Esther: the Girl Who Became Queen
- The Little Drummer Boy
Silly Songs
- Lance the Turtle (Gideon: Tuba Warrior)
- Happy Tooth Day (The Little House That Stood)
- Love My Lips (Dave and the Giant Pickle)
- Endangered Love (King George and the Ducky)
- My Sweet Ride
- My Golden Egg (Noah's Ark)
- Asteroid Cowboys (Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier)
- The Water Buffalo Song (Where's God When I'm S-scared?!)
- Larry's Blues
- School House Polka (Sumo of the Opera)
- Song of the Cebu (Josh and the Big Wall)
- Shakin' Bacon
- The Hairbrush Song (Are You My Neighbor?)
- Where Have All the Staplers Gone (Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't)
- Sneeze If You Need To (Abe and the Amazing Promise)
- Mac and Cheese (Beauty and the Beet)
- Her Turkey Burger
- Dance of the Cucumber (Rack, Shack and Benny)
- His Cheeseburger (Madame Blueberry)
- Wrapped Myself Up For Christmas (Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas)
- Ease On Down the Road
- Sippy Cup (Minneosta Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella)
- Mess Down In Egypt (Moe and the Big Exit)
- Oh Santa! (The Toy That Saved Christmas)
- Emerald Hunters (Sonic the Hedgehog Comes to Town)
- The 8 Polish Foods of Christmas (The Little Drummer Boy)