The Complete VeggieTales Characters Meet THX Collection is a DVD that released to celebrate the 40th anniversary of THX. As the title suggests, it is a complete collection of videos involving various VeggieTales characters (and occasionally characters from other shows or movies, mostly Peanuts and/or The Loud House) meeting THX posted onto YouTube.
- 2 Bubbles, Bob the Tomato and the Veggie Pirates Meet THX
- Bob and Boy with a Shoe Meet THX
- Bob and Larry, Super Readers, Rugrats, Tex, Minions, Super Pets, Lucy Wilde Meet THX
- Bob and LarryBoy Meet THX
- Bob and Makeshift LarryBoy Meet THX
- Bob and Markus the Scribe Meet THX
- Bob the Tomato, Archibald, Gelatin and the Veggie Pirates Meet THX
- Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Jeffy and Sara Meet THX
- Bob the Tomato, LarryBoy, Junior Asparagus, Professor and Sonic Meet THX
- Bob, Boy with a Shoe, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lori and Lola Meet THX
- Bob, Darby, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Linus, Charlie Brown, Lucy and Scout Meet THX
- Bob, Joshua, Junior, Dad, King Saul, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Jimmy and Jerry Meet THX
- Bob, Junior and Joshua Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Charlie Brown and Sally Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Charlie Brown, Sally, Linus, Lucy, Peppermint Patty and Marcie Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, CPB, Round CPB and Wonder Sara Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Cuphead and Mugman Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Archibald, Jimmy, Jerry, Pa Grape and Mr. Lunt Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Dad Asparagus and Sonic the Hedgehog Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Marlin, Dory and Nemo Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Mike, Madame Blueberry, Lincoln, Lisa and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Agnes, Margo, Ted and Audrey Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Pa Grape, Jimmy, Jerry, Mr. Lunt, Sonic and Knuckles Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Pa Grape, Lucy, Lana and Lisa Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Professor, Scallion #1, Sonic and Valt Aoi Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Professor, Sonic and Valt Aoi Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Eggman Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Junior, the French Peas, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lucy, Lincoln and Luan Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Kipper, Tiger and Other Various Characters Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Leafy and Ice Cube Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Margo, Edith, Agnes and Lucy Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Mumble, Lightning McQueen, Sally, Hova, Zoc and Lucas Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Nezzer, Dad Asparagus, Junior, Flik, Dot, Sam Sparks and Olympia Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Pa Grape, Brad, Clint and Tony Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Pa Grape, Lucy, Luna and Lisa Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jimmy, Jerry and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jimmy, Jerry, Soldier, Heavy and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Bob, Larry, Pa, Mr. Lunt, Lincoln, Lana and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Bob, LarryBoy, Lucy, Jean-Claude, Phillipe and Pyro Meet THX
- Bob, LarryBoy, Unikitty, Scooby-Doo, Wubbzy, Widget, Walden and Daizy Meet THX
- Bob, Larry and Junior Meet THX
- Bob, Markus the Scribe, Lucy and Schroeder Meet THX
- Bob, Markus, Mordecai, Haman, Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder, Lucy and Sally Meet THX
- Bob, Moe and Aaron Meet THX
- Bob, Moe, Lucy van P, Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty, Marcie, Luan and Lucy Meet THX
- Butlers Bob and Larry, Charlie Brown, Linus and Lucy van Pelt Meet THX
- Butlers Bob and Larry, Marcie, Lucy, Peppermint Patty and Luna Meet THX
- Captain Bob and Lieutenant Larry Meet THX
- Captain Bob, Lieutenant Larry, Peppermint Patty, Marcy and Leni Meet THX
- Captain Cuke, Mr. Spork, Luna, Lucy and Lisa Meet THX
- Cavis and Millward Meet THX
- Cavis, Larry, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Charlie Brown, Sally, Leni and Luan Meet THX
- Cavis, Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Archibald and Pyro Meet THX
- Cavis, Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jimmy, Jerry, Demoman and Heavy Meet THX
- Cavis, Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Luna and Luan Meet THX
- Cavis, Markus, Mordecai, Haman, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy and Sally Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward and Ebenezer Nezzer Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward and Engineer Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward and Lincoln Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward and Lucy van Pelt Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward and Sonic Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy van Pelt and Soldier Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Charlie Brown, Linus and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and Rerun van Pelt Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Charlie Brown, Sally, Linus and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Edmund, Lincoln and Lori Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Edmund, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Linus, Charlie Brown and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Edmund, Reverend and Amy Rose Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Edmund, Reverend, Miss Pickering and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Edmund and Lucy van Pelt Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Edmund and Reverend Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Jimmy and Jerry Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Junior Asparagus, Professor and Movie Sonic Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Lori, Lincoln and Leni Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Lucy van Pelt and Charlie Brown Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Lucy van Pelt, Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty and Marcie Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Marcie, Lucy and Peppermint Patty Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Mr. Lunt, Seymour, Charlie Brown and Sally Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Marcie, Peppermint Patty and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt and Medic Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Marcie, Peppermint Patty and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Marcie, Peppermint Patty, Schroeder and Lucy Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Marcie, Peppermint Patty, Lucy and Lisa Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Linus, Lucy and Charlie Brown Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Linus, Lucy, Charlie Brown and Medic Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lucy van Pelt and Charlie Brown Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Seymour, Lana and Lola Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Seymour, Prince Frederick and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Seymour, Prince Frederick, Linus, Lucy, Schroeder and Charlie Brown Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Seymour and Lucy van Pelt Meet THX
- Cavis, Millward, Sniper and Spy Meet THX
- Cavis, Veggie Pirates, Jimmy, Jerry, Agnes, Mrs. Wiggins and Mood Spring Meet THX
- Christmas Sonic, Edmund, Sir Gawain, Christmas Eggman and Vector Meet THX
- Duke, Lucas, Otis, Petunia, Lucy, Linus, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lincoln and Lola Meet THX
- Duke, Lucas, the Peanuts Gang, Scout and Pyro Meet THX
- Editor Bob and Larry the Janitor Meet THX
- Elliot, George and Sedgewick Meet THX
- Elliot, George, Sedgewick, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy and Sally Meet THX
- Elliot, George, Sedgewick, Charlie Brown, Lucy and Linus Meet THX
- Elliot, Sedgewick, George, Willory, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lincoln and Leni Meet THX
- George, Elliot, Sedgewick, Demoman, Heavy and Spy Meet THX
- George, Simon, Larry, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Sally, Lori and Luna Meet THX
- Italian Scallion and Bobby Meet THX
- Italian Scallion, Bobby, Mikey, Lucy van Pelt and Sniper Meet THX
- Italian Scallion, Mikey, Mr. Lunt, Bobby, Lucy and Lynn Meet THX
- Jacques and Maurice Meet THX
- Jacques, Maurice, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy and Lola Meet THX
- Jonah, Larry, Pa Grape and Mr. Lunt Meet THX
- Joshua, Caleb, Charlie Brown, Sally, Linus, Lucy, Scout and Spy Meet THX
- King George and Louis Meet THX
- King George, Louis and Leni Meet THX
- King George, Louis, Melvin and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- King George, Louis, Melvin, Marcie, Peppermint Patty, Lucy and Luan Meet THX
- Kloana, Jimmy, Jerry, Larry and Bob Meet THX
- Lanny, Dennis, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Scout and Sniper Meet THX
- LarryBoy and Alfred Meet THX
- LarryBoy and Dark Crow Meet THX
- LarryBoy, Alfred, Officer Scooter, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lucy and Spy Meet THX
- Larry, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Archibald and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Archibald, the King, Chick Hicks, Ted and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Cavis, Edmund, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Shadow and Eggman Meet THX
- Larry, Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, Jimmy, Jerry and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Pa, Lunt, Charlie Brown, Patty, Marcie, Sally, Linus, Lucy, Lola and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Bob, Charlie Brown, Sally, Linus and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Bob, Jimmy, Jerry and Valt Aoi Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Cavis, Charlie Brown, Sally, Linus, Lucy, Lynn and Lana Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Cavis, Dolly, Linus, Charlie Brown, Patty and Marcie Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Cavis, Dolly, Linus, Charlie Brown, Patty, Marcie and Lori Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Cavis, Scout and Soldier Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Cavis and Lucy van Pelt Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Cavis and Movie Sonic Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Patty, Marcie, Sally, Linus and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty and Marcie Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Schroeder and Sally Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Schroeder, Sally, Scout and Heavy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and Lily Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and Schroeder Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Lori and Lynn Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Sally and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lucy, Scout and Demoman Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Sally, Schroeder and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Demoman, Heavy and Sniper Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jack, Lucky Jolly Brown, Dad, Jimmy, Jerry, Family and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jerry, Jimmy, Archibald, Junior and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jonah, Charlie Brown and Sally Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jonah, Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and Sally Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Jonah, Schroeder and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Linus, Lucy, Charlie Brown and Sally Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Linus, Lucy, Charlie Brown, Sally, Lincoln and Lily Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lisa and Lily Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lucy, Lincoln and Luna Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lucy and Schroeder Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lucy, Jonah and Moyer Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Lucy van Pelt and Lucy Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Luna, Luan and Lisa Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Marcie and Peppermint Patty Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Marcie, Peppermint Patty, Scout and Engineer Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Marcie, Peppermint Patty and Engineer Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Margo, Edith, Agnes, Cal, McQueen, Chick, Ted and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt and Cavis Meet THX
- Larry, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt and Lucy van Pelt Meet THX
- Larry, Pa, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Linus, Scout and Medic Meet THX
- Little Joe and Sheriff Bob Meet THX
- Little Joe, Sheriff Bob, Benjamin, Jude, Reuben, Charlie Brown, Sally and Lucy Meet THX
- Little Joe, Sheriff Bob, Jude and Reuben Meet THX
- Little Joe, Sheriff Bob, Jude, Reuben, Lucy and Schroeder Meet THX
- Little Joe, Sheriff Bob, Lucy and Lana Meet THX
- Little Joe, Sheriff Bob, Lucy van Pelt, Schroeder and Charlie Brown Meet THX
- Little Joe, Sheriff Bob, Lucy, Jude and Reuben Meet THX
- Lyle, Ottar, Sven, Bjorn, Olaf, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Soldier and Demo Meet THX
- Merry Larry, Philip, Lincoln and Clyde Meet THX
- Minnesota Cuke and Marten Meet THX
- Minnesota Cuke, Marten, Professor Rattan, Pa Grape, Lucy, Charlie Brown and Heavy Meet THX
- Minnesota Cuke, Marten, Rattan, Julia, Lucy, Linus, Charlie Brown and Sally Meet THX
- Minnesota Cuke, Marten, Rattan, Lynn and Lucy Meet THX
- Movie Sonic, Junior Asparagus, Movie Eggman, Knuckles and Shadow Meet THX
- Movie Sonic, Junior Asparagus, Movie Eggman, Movie Knuckles and Movie Vector Meet THX
- Ottar, Sven, Bjorn, Monk, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Sally, Lincoln and Lucy Meet THX
- Ottar, Sven, Lucy van Pelt, Charlie Brown and Demoman Meet THX
- Rack, Shack and Benny Meet THX
- Rack, Shack, Benny, Lucy, Lori and Lily Meet THX
- Rack, Shack, Benny, Mr. Nezzer, Mr. Lunt, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy and Sally Meet THX
- Rack, Shack, Benny, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt and Sonic Meet THX
- Rack, Shack, Benny, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Snot Rod, Wingo, DJ and Boost Meet THX
- Rack, Shack, Benny, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles Meet THX
- Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Sally, Lincoln and Lynn Meet THX
- Sheerluck Holmes and Dr. Watson Meet THX
- Sheerluck Holmes, Dr. Watson, Marcie, Lucy, Peppermint Patty and Schroeder Meet THX
- Sonic, Beyblade Burst and VeggieTales Meet THX
- Sonic, Bob, Larry, Junior and Dad Meet THX
- Sonic, Junior, Archibald, Knuckles, Alex, Marty, Lightning McQueen, Mater and Eggman Meet THX
- Sonic, Knuckles and Junior Asparagus Meet THX
- Sonic, Knuckles, Junior and Dad Meet THX
- Sonic, Knuckles, Junior, Eggman, Jet, Shadow, Silver and Blaze Meet THX
- The League of Incredible Vegetables Meet THX
- The Pirates, Charlie Brown, Linus, Peppermint Patty, Marcie, Leni and Lynn Meet THX
- The Pirates, Lucy, Charlie Brown, Linus and Lincoln Meet THX
- The Pirates and Lyle Meet THX
- The Pirates and Movie Sonic Meet THX
- The Pirates and Scout Meet THX
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, Jude and Reuben Meet THX
- The Star of Christmas Gang and the Peanuts Gang Meet THX
- The Veggie Heroes of the Bible Gang Meet THX
- The Veggie Pirates and Sonic Meet THX
- Three Veggie Pirates, Lucy, Charlie Brown and Linus Meet THX
- Tomato Sawyer, Huckleberry Larry, Lucy, Lori and Luan Meet THX
- VeggieTales and Beyblade Burst Meet THX
- VeggieTales and Sonic the Hedgehog Meet THX
- VeggieTales, Sonic and Beyblade Burst Meet THX
- VeggieTales, Sonic, Cars and Beyblade Burst Meet THX
- VeggieTales, Sonic, Gummy Bear Meet THX
- VeggieTales, Sonic, Valt Aoi, the Delinquent Road Hazards and Lightning McQueen Meet THX
- Veggie Pirates and Infernites Meet THX
- Veggie Pirates, Agnes, Edith, Cavis, Jude and Reuben Meet THX
- Veggie Pirates, Cavis, Jimmy and Jerry, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles Meet THX
- Veggie Pirates, Heavy, Scout, Spy, Demoman, Medic, Sniper, Engineer, Soldier and Pyro Meet THX
- Veggie Pirates, Lorax and Onceler Meet THX
- Veggie Pirates Meet THX