The Complete Lesson Collection is a 2022 reprinted collection of various Veggietales episodes that teach us lessons of Handling Fear, Courage, Love and move. The DVD came out on June 17th 2022 and was manufactured by Warner Brothers Entertainment.
- Where's God When I'm S-Scared? - Handling Fear
- God Wants Me to Forgive Them!?! - Forgiveness
- Are You My Neighbor? - Loving Your Neighbor
- Rack, Shack and Benny - Handling Peer Pressure
- Dave and the Giant Pickle - Self-Esteem
- The Toy That Saved Christmas - The True Meaning of Christmas
- Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space! - Telling the Truth
- Josh and the Big Wall! - Obedience
- Madame Blueberry - Thankfulness
- Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed - The Power of Words
- King George and the Ducky - Selfishness
- Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen - Courage
- Lyle the Kindly Viking - Sharing
- Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie - Second Chances
- The Star of Christmas - The True Meaning of Love
- The Wonderful World of Auto-Tainment! - God Loving us no matter what
- The Ballad of Little Joe - Facing Hardship
- An Easter Carol - The True Meaning of Easter
- A Snoodle's Tale - Self-Worth
- Sumo of the Opera - Perseverance
- Duke and the Great Pie War - Loving Your Family
- Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush - Dealing with Bullies
- Lord of the Beans - Using Your Gifts
- Sheerluck Holmes and the Golden Ruler - Friendship
- LarryBoy and the Bad Apple - Fighting Temptation
- Gideon: Tuba Warrior - Trusting God
- Moe and the Big Exit - Following Directions
- The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's - Forgiveness
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie - Being a True Hero
- Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue - Helping Others
- Abe and the Amazing Promise - Patience
- Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella - Confidence
- Saint Nicholas: A Story of Joyful Giving - Giving at Christmas
- Pistachio: The Little Boy that Woodn't - Listening to Your Parents
- Sweetpea Beauty: A Girl After God's Own Heart - True Beauty
- It's A Meaningful Life - Being Content
- Twas The Night Before Easter - Helping Others
- Princess and the Popstar - Being Yourself
- The Little Drummer Boy - Forgiveness
- Robin Good and his Not-So Merry Men - Handling Hurt
- The Penniless Princess - True Worth
- The League of Incredible Vegetables - Handling Fear
- The Little House That Stood - Making Good Choices
- MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle - Getting Along with Others
- Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas - The True Meaning of Christmas
- Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier - The Power of Sharing
- Celery Night Fever - Forgiveness
- Beauty and the Beet - Unconditional Love
- Noah's Ark - Trusting God
3-2-1 Penguins!:[]
- Trouble on Planet Wait-Your-Turn - Patience
- The Cheating Scales of Bullamanka - Playing by the Rules
- The Amazing Carnival of Complaining - Gratefulness
- Runaway Pride at Lightstation Kilowatt - Foolish Pride
- The Doom Funnel Rescue - Helping Others
- Moon Menace on Planet Tell-a-Lie! - Telling the Truth
- I Scream, You Scream! - Being Careful Not to Jump to Conclusions
- The Green-Eyed Monster - Contentment
- Lazy Daze - Diligence
- More is More - Moderation
- Give and Let Give - Sharing
- Practical Hoax - The Dangers of Playing Practical Jokes on Friends
- Comedy of Errors - Keeping Secrets
- Compassion Crashin' - Compassion
- Wiki Tiki - Patience
- Invisaion of the Body Swappers - Inner Beauty
- Git Along Little Doggies! - Using Kind Words
- Wise Guys - Listening to Your Elders
- Hogs and Kisses - Trusting the Harsh yet Helpful Words of Your Family and Friends
- 12 Angry Hens - Listening Before Answering
- Kennel Club Blues - Taking Care of Pets
- Oh Mercy! - Forgiveness
- Promises, Promises - Keeping Promises
- Do Unto Brothers - Teamwork
- Between an Asteroid and a Hard Place - Kindness
- In the Big House - Helping Others
LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures[]
- LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows - Letting Go of Our Anger
- Leggo My Ego! - Handling Pride
- The Yodelnapper! - Dealing with Greed
- The Good, the Bad, and the Eggly - Teamwork
The VeggieTales Show[]
- God Wants Us to Make Peace - Getting Along with Others
- The Best Christmas Gift - The True Meaning of Christmas
- A Lifetime Supply of Joy - Having a Happy Heart
- The Power of Love - Love that You Do
- It's Cool to Be Kind - Helping Others
- A ShakeSparagus Play - Humility
- When Being Good Means Giving Up - What is Really Good
- Little Things Matter - Being Faithful
- Patience Takes Practice - Waiting
- Being Gentle Makes You Great - Being Tender-Hearted
- LarryBoy and the Cape-Coat Caper - Telling the Truth
- The Wonderfulness of Wisdom - Wisdom
- Forgiveness Brings the Fixing - Forgiveness
- A Tale of True Courage - Being Brave
- Samson's Bad Hair Day - Self-Control
- The Giving-est Day - Generosity
- The Good Shepherd - Handling Fear
- The One and Only You! - Being Loved
- LarryBoy and the Angry Eyebrows Trouble - Letting Go of Our Anger
- Don't Give Up on Doing Good - Perseverance
- Don't Stop Believing - Learning to Trust
- LarryBoy and the Emperor of Envy - Thankfulness
- Naaman Takes a Bath - Obedience
- LarryBoy and the Menacing Mushroom - Forgiving and Forgetting
- LarryBoy and Awful Alvin's Grudge - Not Giving Up
- The Grumble Cure - Gratitude