The Complete How-to-Draw Collection is a collection of all the how to draw segments included as DVD features.
List of Characters/Objects Drawn[]
- Abraham
- Apollo Gourd
- Bad Apple
- Bear
- Big Jim
- Bob and Larry
- Charlie Pincher
- Clark Wayne
- Darby
- Elliot
- Eloise
- Esther
- Fib
- Frankencelery
- Gideon
- Goliath
- Gourdon
- Haman
- Hope
- Julia
- King George
- LarryBoy
- Larry in Argentinian Garb
- Leg-o-Lamb
- Lion
- Little Joe
- Lobster
- Lyle
- Lyle's Ship
- Madame Blueberry
- Maewyn Succat
- Minnesota Cuke
- Miriam
- Moe
- Mr. Sly
- Pa Angel
- Paco the Storytelling Mule
- Palmy
- Pancho
- Petunia Rhubarb
- Pirate Larry
- Robert the Terrible
- Rock Monster
- Salesman
- Scarecrow
- Sheep
- Sheerluck Holmes
- Snoodle-Doo
- The Closet Monsters
- The Ducky
- The French Peas
- The Grapes' Car
- The LarryMobile
- The LarryPlane
- The Mechanical Chickens
- The Robot Kids
- The USS Applepies
- Tin Man
- Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry
- Toto
- Veggie Kids
- Ventrilomatic
- Zippy
3-2-1 Penguins![]
- B.I.N.G.
- Chancellor Gutt
- Dart
- Giant Ant
- Grandmum
- Kevin
- Michelle Conrad
- Midgel
- Koala Minion
- Preston
- Professor Wordsworth
- The Lizard King
- The U.F.P.S Rockhopper
- Uncle Blobb
- Zidgel
LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures[]
- Awful Alvin
- Bok Choy
- Greta von Gruesome
- Junior Asparagus
- LarryBoy
- Mother Pearl
- The Alchemist
- Vicki