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The Complete Asparagus Collection is a 3-disc mega compilation celebrating Junior Asparagus and Archibald Asparagus's Best moments on Veggietales, as well some extended content and bonus commentaries from the show runners themselves. The 3-disc collection officially came out on September 30th 2022 with a partner package for The Veggietales Show on TBN. This also serves as a sequel to The Complete Tomato Collection and The Complete Cucumber Collection.

Episodes: Disc ONE[]

  1. Where's God When I'm Scared?
  2. God Wants Me To Forgive Them!?!
  3. Are You My Neighbor?
  4. Dave and the Giant Pickle
  5. Larry-Boy! And The Fib From Outer Space!
  6. Josh and the Big Wall!
  7. Madame Blueberry
  8. The End of Silliness?
  9. The VeggieTales Christmas Spectacular!
  10. Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed
  11. Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen
  12. Lyle the Kindly Viking
  13. Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie