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Larry Frost is the sixth episode of VeggieTales the Sequel and is based on Jack Frost and the Rankin Bass special of the same name that teaches a lesson in being yourself.



  • Archibald Asparagus
  • Bob the Tomato
  • Larry the Cucumber (Larry Frost)
  • The French Peas
  • Junior Asparagus (didn't make his speaking role since Silly Sing Along 3: The Best of Silliness)
  • Percy Pea (didn't make his speaking role since LarryBoy and the Prankster Carrot)
  • Annie Onion (didn't make her speaking role since Rhubarb-Ella)
  • Lenny Carrot (didn't make his speaking role since Larry-Boy! and the Fib from Outer Space!)
  • Pa Grape (Alishia's Dad)
  • Miss Achmetha (Alishia's Mom)
  • Scallion 1 (King Kapenny)
  • Petunia Rhubarb (Alishia)
  • Mr. Nezzer (Father Nezzer)
  • Laura Carrot (Hally)
  • Scooter (Clip)
  • Ryan
  • Sporks


  • VeggieTales Theme Song
  • Larry Frost
  • Love Songs with Larry: I Don't Want to Stay on the Moon (originally from Silly Sing Along 3: The Best of Silliness)
  • Working Together
  • Be Who You Are and Go Far
  • What We Have Learned
  • True Believers

Fun Facts[]


  • Everybody is special in their own unique way. (reused from all three episodes "Dave and the Giant Pickle", "A Snoodle's Tale" and "Princess and the Popstar")
  • The most important thing you can be is yourself, no matter what you look like,
  • God made you the way you are for a reason.


  • This is the first episode for several things:
    • The first appearance of Lenny Carrot since "Are You My Neighbor?"
    • The first episode since "The Little Drummer Boy" to be based on a Rankin Bass Special.
    • The second episode to have a character from "Duke and the Great Pie War" from the storybook scenes to be CGI animated in this case it's Ryan who appears as a ghost whom he was killed in the pie war.
    • The first episode where Junior Asparagus, Percy Pea, Annie Onion and Lenny Carrot didn't make their speaking roles since the last episodes.
  • The characters of the episode are similar to the characters from the special Jack Frost (which the episode is based on):
    • Larry Frost (played by Larry) is similar to Jack Frost.
    • Alishia (played by Petunia Rhubarb) is similar to Elisa.
    • King Kapenny (played by Scallion #1) is similar to Kubla Kraus.
    • Father Nezzer (played by Mr. Nezzer) is similar to Father Winter.
    • Hally (played by Laura Carrot) is similar to Holly.
    • Clip (played by Scooter) is similar to Snip.
    • Alishia's father (played by Pa Grape) is similar to Papa.
    • Alishia's mother (played by Miss Achmetha) is similar to Mama.
    • The Sporks are similar to the Keh-Nights.


Where to Watch[]
