Big Idea Fanon Wiki

NOTE: This page is focused on the opinions of users. Do not get angry or remove anything if you disagree with them, as everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

3-2-1 Penguins! The Movie[]

3-2-1 Penguins! The Movie: Aliens Unleashed[]

Asteroid Cowboys: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Bob and Larry and The Missing Verse: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Bob the Tomato Galaxy[]

Bob the Tomato Galaxy 2[]

Bob the Tomato Galaxy 3[]

Cavis and Millward: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Grade In Action: The Movie[]

Jason and Michelle Conrad[]

  • It is released in 2005.
  • Have it explore what life for Jason and Michelle was like before they went to Grandmum's cottage for the summer.

JimmyBoy: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Junior: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Junior Jetpack: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Lance the Turtle: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Minnesota Cuke: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Night Pony: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Pizza Angel: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Ricochet: A VeggieTales Movie[]

S-Cape: A VeggieTales Movie[]

SuperMato: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Supper Hero: A VeggieTales Movie[]

The Genderbent World of Strawberry Shortcake: The Movie[]

  • Make it the series finale and release it on March 10, 2001.
  • The movie is renamed "Strawberry Shortcake's Berry 1st Movie".
  • The movie ends with Strawberry Shortcake and her friends as adults with some of them having kids of their own.

The League of Incredible Vegetables: A VeggieTales Movie[]

The Mess Detectives: A VeggieTales Movie[]

The Missing Verse Returns: A VeggieTales Movie[]

The Veggietales Afterlife Movie[]

The VeggieTales in the House Movie[]

The VeggieTales Kids Movie[]

The VeggieTales Kids Movie 2: Veggies at Home[]

The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Thingamabob: A VeggieTales Movie[]

Tornado Hunters: A VeggieTales Movie[]

VeggieTales: The Movie[]

VeggieTales: The Movie 2: Veggies from Space[]

VeggieTales: The Movie 3[]

VeggieTales Out of the Kitchen[]

Vogue: A VeggieTales Movie[]
