Big Idea Fanon Wiki

NOTE: This page is focused on the opinions of users. Do not get angry or remove anything if you disagree with them, as everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


  • Have the show created in 2019 and fill it with 2019 trends that died shortly after.
  • One character dies every episode.
  • Make it a spinoff of Sausage Party.
  • Junior is a crybaby and a spoiled brat a la Caillou. Also change his name to Willie and make him voiced by Lizzie Waterworth (using her Horrid Henry voice).
  • The characters' eyes sparkle.
  • It is animated in crappy Flash animation.
  • Larry is named Benny and Bob is named Robert.
  • Rename the show "The Adventures of Robert and Benny".
  • The theme song is sung by a man who sounds like a dying cat.
  • No educational value, and no Christian messages.
  • This show was made to teach kids bad things and to hate God and make Him think that He doesn't exist.
  • Have it air on Nickelodeon for 5 days before it (illegally) airs on Adult Swim.
  • Make the veggie puppets look cheaply made and turn them into poorly rendered CGI characters when they get really angry.
    • And there are also live-action backgrounds.
  • Every episode ends with Robert and Benny going to bed as a sleep-inducing lullaby play.
  • LarryBoy is named "Super Benny".
  • Take out funny stuff and replace it with stock footage of children throwing temper tantrums.
  • Instead of saying "God made you special and He loves you very much", have them say "Everything can be the way you want it", "The complainer is always wrong", "God is the stupidest person on Earth", "The Beatles are better than Jesus", "It's okay to take things without asking", "You will be safe when catching stinging insects with your hands", "Exercise is bad" and "Bullying builds character".
  • Everyone is voiced by either Rob Paulsen (using his Bubsy, Toodles and Coconut Fred voices), Sue Rose (using her Angela Anaconda voice), Kristen Bone (using her Maggie voice), John Stocker (using his Oogtar voice), Jaclyn Linetsky (using her Caillou voice), Alex Doduk (using his Jimmy voice), Alex Karzis (using his Ledge voice), Hadley Kay (using his Wheelie voice), Jeff Bennett (using his Dorkus Aurelius voice), Nicole Oliver (using her Kirsten McBradden voice), Maria Darling (using her Roary the Racing Car voice), Charlie Sheen (using his Dex Dogtective voice) and Matt Hill (using his Ironhide voice).
  • Mr. Nezzer is named Mr. Mark.
  • The end credits include "BUY OUR MERCHANDISE OR DIE!".
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything are called "Stupid Silly Poopy Pirates".
  • Mr. Lunt is an amnesiac rat named Stoney and he talks in a voice a la Horat from the Nutshack.
  • The "Silly Songs with Larry" segments are called "Benny's Boring Songs".
  • Way too much toilet humor.
  • Put in annoying musical numbers that teach people to be rude, selfish, spoiled, etc.
  • Archibald is a 60s music fanboy whose catchphrase is "Screw Jesus and praise The Beatles!".
  • Play "The Hairbrush Song" every other episode! (It would get annoying after a while.)
  • "The Hairbrush Song" is nothing but Larry saying "Hairbrush" over and over while "Whip It" by Devo plays in the background.
  • One word, cannibalism.
  • Laura Carrot is a teenage girl.
  • Female screams are constantly heard.
  • And Knuckles. Because... well, because.
  • Laura Carrot appears in EVERY episode no matter what and gets more screen time than anyone else.
  • Larry/Benny dabs once in a while. (If he has hands)
  • It gets a crossover with Dora the Explorer.
  • Khalil appears in all episodes and his appearances are similar to how he appeared in the bad version of "Jonah".
  • Add a marijuana character that gets the most screen time.

How to ruin the episodes[]

  • In "Tales from the Crisper", Junior/Willie gets eaten by Frankencelery, and make Frankencelery scare the viewers at the end of the episode.
  • In "Daniel and the Lions' Den", Daniel/Benny gets eaten by lions with rabies. (Oh, that reminds me of something!)
  • In "The Grapes of Wrath", instead of forgiving the grapes, Junior/Willie gets mad and beats them up. Also, the Grapes of Wrath turn out to be cherry bombs created by Bart Simpson.
  • In "Larry's Lagoon", everyone goes hungry and they try to find food on the island (and at one point, Bob/Robert tries to eat Larry/Benny and the asparaguses) but they fail to do so and Bob/Robert, Larry/Benny and the asparaguses starve to death as a result yet they're alive and well in the next episode.
  • Rename "Rack, Shack and Benny" to "Rack, Shack and Larry". And in it, Rack/Robert, Shack/Willie and Larry/Benny burn to death in the furnace and Mr. Nezzer/Mark eats them (About that part, that's cannibalism) yet they're alive and well in the next episode. Also wipe the original controversial Bunny Song from existence.
  • In "Larry-Boy/Super Benny! and the Fib from Outer Space!", the Fib is a pile of poop with undigested corn. The Fib also farts every 6 seconds.
  • "Lyle the Kindly Viking" is renamed "Sven Needs to Go!" and the plot is all about Sven/Benny having to use the bathroom and him singing about it, similar to Nina Needs to Go. But unlike the show, he wets himself at the end.
  • Make "Esther... The Girl Who Became Queen" a ripoff of every single Disney princess film in existence at the time.
  • In "Larry-Boy/Super Benny and the Rumor Weed", the Rumor Weed is replaced by Britney Spears and taunts people by singing parodies of her songs about gossip.
  • In "The Wonderful World of Auto-Tainment!", the characters appear in a future made of the brightest colors in the spectrum a la The Problem Solverz. And there is a scene of a vodka-induced game of Cards Against Humanity between Bob, Larry and Khalil. Also have it predict a bunch of memes- wait a sec
  • In "Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't", Cricket/Khalil gets more screen time than Pistachio/Willie and only makes toilet jokes for the entire episode. And there is a scene where Cricket/Khalil and Pistachio/Willie take a terminally ill Make-a-Wish kid off of life support instead of doing something nice to him.
  • In "The Little House That Stood", all the houses get destroyed by a tornado.
  • In "It's a Meaningful Life", Stewart/Benny stays in the What-If world forever.

3-2-1 Penguins![]

  • Make it a ripoff of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Avenger Penguins.
  • Take out Grandmum.
  • Jason and Michelle are aged up to be adults.

LarryBoy: The Cartoon Adventures[]

  • Have it air from 2003-2008 on PBS Kids.
  • The show is called "Super Benny's Super Duper Adventures".
  • Have items similar to Mousketools that are used to solve problems.
  • Alfred whines a lot.
  • LarryBoy/Super Benny's catchphrase is "Smile Bumblyburg, say Chuck E. Cheese!".
  • Vicki Cucumber says "like" in all her sentences.
  • Add random poop jokes out of the blue.
  • Remove Awful Alvin's running gag when he does a Villainous Dance of Villainy and replace it with him eating beans and farting loudly which he calls his "Supervillain Fart".
  • Give it a crossover with SpongeBob SquarePants called "Super Benny and Spongy Cheese's Funny Adventure" where LarryBoy/Super Benny and SpongeBob have to stop Awful Alvin from destroying the restaurant seen in the show.
  • The theme song is sung to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".
  • Add a demented chicken who is a minion of Awful Alvin.
  • The animation resembles Mega Babies, Teamo Supremo and 12 oz. Mouse
  • All the fonts used are Comic Sans.
  • Have bland and boring villains.
  • The superheroes fight the villains by breaking the 4th wall a la Dora the Explorer and by lame comedy.
  • The show is rebooted in the style of Teen Titans Go! turning LarryBoy from an actual hero into a hero that most of the time doesn't even fight.
  • Add product placement of Chuck E. Cheese.

The VeggieTales Show[]
