Big Idea Fanon Wiki


Habit The Ham: If you like to talk to sandwich, if a burger can make you smile, if you like to waltz with apples, up and down the foo-ood aisle..., have we got a show for you...

{Barry The Banana nods behind him as the singers start singing}

Singers: foodytales x8

{An instrumental of the 1992-1994 theme played as clips from Where's The Hamburgers, The Lord's Peace and Barry Man And The Lie From Saturn!}

Singers: Foodytales, there's never ever ever ever ever been a show like FOodytales x2

Singers: It's time for Foody talessssss!


Same version as 1992-1994 but slightly revamped with new drums in the song's background, lyrics accompanied by the original 1992-1994 instrumental, some visual and audio improvements, "Sandwich" lengthened into "A Sandwich",.

Habit The Ham: If you like to talk to a sandwich, if a burger can make you smile, if you like to waltz with apples, up and down the foo-ood aisle... have we got a show for you...

{Barry rises up and nods like in the 1992-1994 version but way less choppy}

Singers: Foodytales x8

Habit The Ham: Hamburgers, Chicken, Pizza Rolls!

Singers; Foodytales!

Junior The Tomato: Onion Rings, Pretzels, Oranges!

Singers: Foodytales!

Barry The Banana: Popcorn, Corn Chips, COOO-OORN

Singers: There's never ever ever ever ever been a show like Foodytales x2

Singers; It's time for Food-ey-tallllllllll llllll lllllll l les!

{Barry The Banana falls down and blows his tuba while the kids laugh at his goofiness}


Same as the 1994-1996 version but the only changed things are the theme song's graphics improvement}

Habit The Ham: If you like to talk to a sandwich, if a burger can make you smile, if you like to waltz with apples, up and down the FOO-OOD Aisle.., have we got a show for you

Singers: Foodytales x 8

habit The Ham: Hamburgers, Chicken Pizza Rolls!

Singers: Foodytales

Junior The Tomato: Onion Rings, Pretzels, Oranges!

Singers: Foodytales

Barry The Banana: Popcorn, Corn Chips, COOO ORN!

Singers: Foodytales!

Singers; There's never ever ever ever ever ever been a show like Foodytales x2



There are 7 major improvements from the theme song, them being "Newly added lyrics for a 4th main character", "New clips from Barry-Man, The Lord's Peace, Barry and Habit's First Show and Foody-Fails", "Big improvements to the graphic and audio designs on this version", "Brand new and fresh drum solos done in a warehouse", "Lighting fixed", and new extended lyrics.

Habit: If you like to talk to a sandwich, if a burger can make you smile! If you like to waltz with apples, up and down the foo-old aisle..Have we got a show for you!…

Singers: Foodytales x8

Habit: Hamburgers, Chicken, Pizza Rolls!

Singers: Foodytales!
