Big Idea Fanon Wiki

Foody Tales is a 1992-2008 children's american youtube parody comedy series that came out on the platform on September 18th 2006.


  1. Where's the Hamburgers?
  2. The Lord's Peace
  3. Barry-Man and the Lie from Saturn!
  4. Trouble on Planet Make-a-Wish
  5. Barry and Habit's First Show
  6. Foody-Fails
  7. Barry-Man and the Truth about Cookies
  8. Habit and the Golden Rings
  9. The Space Neighbors
  10. Banned in Alaska!
  11. Gideon: The Warrior of China
  12. Band of the Alps
  13. Silliest Silly Song Countdown Ever
  14. Slimy Joe and the Water Skis
  15. Super Barry!
  16. Henry and Rob meets FoodyTales!
  17. Mr.Ranker's Chocolate Factory
  18. Zoo Tour
  19. Super Barry 2
  20. Super Barry: Only Way to Peace
  21. That's All Veggies!
  22. Wrapping Up What God Created
  23. Supper's Ark!