Foody Tales is a 1992-2008 children's american youtube parody comedy series that came out on the platform on September 18th 2006.
- Where's the Hamburgers?
- The Lord's Peace
- Barry-Man and the Lie from Saturn!
- Trouble on Planet Make-a-Wish
- Barry and Habit's First Show
- Foody-Fails
- Barry-Man and the Truth about Cookies
- Habit and the Golden Rings
- The Space Neighbors
- Banned in Alaska!
- Gideon: The Warrior of China
- Band of the Alps
- Silliest Silly Song Countdown Ever
- Slimy Joe and the Water Skis
- Super Barry!
- Henry and Rob meets FoodyTales!
- Mr.Ranker's Chocolate Factory
- Zoo Tour
- Super Barry 2
- Super Barry: Only Way to Peace
- That's All Veggies!
- Wrapping Up What God Created
- Supper's Ark!