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(August 8, 2022) |

Bob & Larry's Musical Extravaganza! is a VeggieTales album release, exclusive to Spotify.
Track Listing[]
- VeggieTales Theme Song
- Prettiest Gals (from Inspicable Me)
- Stand (from Rack, Shack & Benny)
- A Whole New Perspective (from Lar-addin)
- Pizza Angel (from Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Samson's Hairbrush)
- Song of the Cebu (from Josh and the Big Wall!)
- Message From the Lord (from Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie)
- Day at the Races (from The Tortoise and the Hedgehog)
- I Will Sing of the Mercies/Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (from More Sunday Morning Songs with Bob and Larry)
- Good Morning George (from Rack, Shack & Benny)
- We Are The Grapes of Wrath (from God Wants Me To Forgive Them!?!)
- My Aunt Came Back (from Junior's Playtime Songs)
- The Silly Scribe (from Madame Blueberry and the Karaoke Night Disaster)
- Pride and Joy (from The Good, The Bad, and the Peyton)
- More Beautiful (from Sweetpea Beauty)
- Larry's High Silk Hat (from Lyle the Kindly Viking)
- Lots of Fun (from Inspicable Me)
- Sneeze If You Need To (from Abe and the Amazing Promise)
- Modern Major General (from Pirates' Boatload of Fun)
- Singing in Jail (from A Lifetime Supply of Joy)
- Thankfulness Song Medley (from Madame Blueberry)
- Lame-Cation (from Peyton's Travels)
- The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps (from The End of Silliness?)
- Tear It Down (from Celery Night Fever)
- A Bushel and a Peck (from Junior's Bedtime Songs)
- The Candy Song (from God's Kitchen)
- I Love My Duck (from King George and the Ducky)
- When We Work Together (from Sheerluck Holmes and the Missing Partner)
- Oh, No! What We Gonna Do? (from Where's God When I'm S-Scared?)
- Candy Cane Blues (from The Incredible Singing Christmas Tree)
- Lance the Turtle (from Gideon: Tuba Warrior)
- Mac and Cheese (from Beauty and the Beet)
- Feel the Beat (from Celery Night Fever)
- I Can Be Your Friend (from Are You My Neighbor?)
- A New Year (from Journal Of A Puny Vegetable)
- From Saul to Paul (from The Good, The Bad, and the Peyton)
- The Hedgehog Song (from Balaam and the Talking... Hedgehog?)
- The Rumor Weed Song (from Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed)
- Amazing Glazed (from It's Cool To Be Kind)
- Love My Lips (from Dave and the Giant Pickle)
- Why I Love You (from Where's God When I Need Love?)
- His Cheeseburger (from Madame Blueberry)
- The Tooth Song (from Bob's Bad Breath)
- Chris the Starfish (from For the Grape-er Good)
- The Determination Song (from Strong Willed)
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything (from Very Silly Songs!)
- Jonah Was A Prophet (from Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie)
- Peace Like a River (from More Sunday Morning Songs With Bob and Larry)
- Breakdown (from Silliness Around the World!)
- Endangered Love (from King George and the Ducky)
- Show Some Respect! (from The League of Incredible Vegetables Return!)
- Big Things Too (from Dave and the Giant Pickle)
- The Green Grass Grew All Around (from Bob and Larry's Backyard Party)
- Cooperation (from Sorry, We're Closed Today)
- Jimmy Lucky (from The Power of Love)
- Zooming Past My Contenders (from Never Gonna Give Up)
- Haman's Song (from Esther: The Girl Who Became Queen)
- I Will Always Love You (from Bob and Larry Go Country)
- LarryBoy Theme Song (from Larry-Boy! and the Fib From Outer Space!)
- The Blues With Larry (from Duke and the Great Pie War)
- The New and Improved Bunny Song (from Rack, Shack & Benny)
- Techno Cuke (from Bathtime Blues)
- The Water Buffalo Song (from Where's God When I'm S-Scared?)
- Pants (from Sweetpea Beauty)
- Honesty is the Best Policy (from LarryBoy and the No-Good Nectarine)
- Ease On Down the Road (from On the Road With Bob and Larry)
- Easter Bunny Hop (from A Very Veggie Easter)
- Where Have All the Staplers Gone? (from Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't)
- Poor Doggy (from Sheltered and Loved)
- Can't Believe It's Christmas (from The Toy That Saved Christmas)
- Come In Twos (from Noah's Ark)
- Kingdom of God (from The Best Christmas Gift)
- Solid Stuff (from The Little House That Stood)
- Do You Trust Me? (from Walkin' on Water)
- Salesmunz Rap (from Madame Blueberry)