Big Idea Fanon Wiki

Big Idea: The Complete 2010s Collection (also known as Big Ideas for the 2010s) is a collection of various Big Idea productions that released in the 2010s.



  1. Pistachio - The Little Boy That Woodn't
  2. Sweetpea Beauty
  3. It's a Meaningful Life
  4. 'Twas the Night Before Easter
  5. Princess and the Popstar
  6. The Little Drummer Boy
  7. Robin Good and His Not-So-Merry Men
  8. The Penniless Princess
  9. The League of Incredible Vegetables
  10. The Little House That Stood
  11. MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle
  12. Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas
  13. Veggies in Space: The Fennel Frontier
  14. Celery Night Fever
  15. Beauty and the Beet
  16. Noah's Ark

VeggieTales in the House[]

  1. Puppies and Guppies/Sorry, We're Closed Today
  2. Bob and the Awesome Frosting Mustache/Bob and Larry Gettin Angry
  3. Bob's Bad Breath/Trading Places
  4. Jimmy and Jerry are Rich/Feelin' Hot, Hot, Hot!
  5. Laura at Bat/Pie Fight!
  6. Pa Grape's Son/Larry's Cardboard Thumb
  7. The Gong Heard Round the House/When the Dust Bunnies Came to Town
  8. The Bucket List/A Gift for Singing
  9. Lie-Monade/Let's Build a Fort!
  10. Bacon and Ice Cream/For the Honor of LarryBoy
  11. The Birthday Thief/Junior Gets a Pet
  12. Cool as a Cucumber/The Rich Young Comic Ruler
  13. Popcorntastrophe!/Junior Jetpack
  14. Monster Manners/You, Me and Tiny Pea
  15. Jenna Chive Live!/Captain LarryBeard
  16. The Great Ice Cream Chase/The Guppy Whisperer
  17. The Silly Ray/The Camp Out
  18. Monster Truck Flower Delivery/Vote for Archibald!
  19. Ready for Action/Sickabeezer
  20. Plant-demonium/DUO Day
  21. Mayoral Bike Lessons/It
  22. Callie Flower/World of Whiners
  23. Two Birthdays/Playground Tales
  24. Spacetato/Starved for Attention
  25. The Impostors/Place Trading
  26. Locked Out/Coach Ichabeezer
  27. Scaredy Cat Bootcamp/Ichabeezer Moves Out
  28. The Missing Jetpack/Bacon vs. Tomato
  29. Motato Gets a Job/Pet Day
  30. Blueberry's Tickets/A Club Divided
  31. Laura's Animal Babysitting Service/Rise of Night Pony
  32. Takeasaurus/The Painting
  33. Ichabeezer's Granddaughter/Gone Lobster
  34. Bob Gets Glasses/Crossing Guard
  35. Glued at the Hip/The Action Figure
  36. The Lost Tooth/The Companion Ship
  37. JimmyBoy/The Larry Express
  38. Larry Lives it Up/Petunia's Not Funny
  39. The Big Secret/Madame's Soccer Skills
  40. Chef Larry/Lost in the Woods
  41. Shrink-abeezer/Motato is My Neighbor
  42. Invisible Arm Wrestling/Silly No More
  43. Stunt Driving School/Off the Rails
  44. Jimmy and Jerry's Big Mess/Beatbox Bill
  45. Larry the Sleepwalker/The Case of the Missing Monocle
  46. Larry Gets a Bulldozer/Bird on the Loose!
  47. Leader of the Team/Tina's the Boss
  48. The Puppy/Larry's Cousin Comes to Town
  49. The Bob and Larry Show/Save the Cherry Cat
  50. VeggieCards/Grow-tato
  51. The Good Samaricucumber/Destination: Space Station
  52. The Big Race/Yambot

VeggieTales in the City[]

  1. Burgers for Sale/Night Phony
  2. Space Pirates/Rooney on the Run
  3. Junior Saves the West/The Treasure Hunt
  4. Race Ya!/Larry the Substitute
  5. Pizza Eclipse/The Robot
  6. Delivery Boys/Dueling Mascots
  7. Bob's Collection/The Cookie Caper
  8. The Rocket Boot/The Many Versions of Larry
  9. Aprilcot/X Marks the Spot
  10. The Priceless Sock/Jimmy Makes a Comic Book
  11. The Book Club/The Lost Dust Bunny
  12. The Water Slide/Storytime
  13. Prodigal Junior/Where's the Mayor
  14. Stranded/Junior Gets a Sister
  15. The Movie Star/New in Town
  16. The Hottest Pepper in the West/Karate Pirate Space Posse
  17. Plane vs. Train/Larry's Baby Birdies
  18. Two of a Kind/Moving to the City
  19. An Ichabeezer Christmas/A Christmas Play
  20. Ichaburgertopia/The Truth Hurts
  21. Employee Fun Day/Bringing Home the Bacon
  22. Books of the Bible/Monster in the Closet
  23. Arcade Showdown/The Audition
  24. The Singing, Dancing Lobster/It's Skatin' Time
  25. The Last Issue/Bob's Great Store
  26. Attack of the Marshmallow Laser/Bye Bye Bacon Bill!

The VeggieTales Show[]

  1. The Best Christmas Gift


  1. Silly Little Thing Called Love
  2. Happy Together!
  3. VeggieTales Live! Sing Yourself Silly
  4. Bob Lends a Helping Hand
  5. Larry Learns to Listen
  6. God Loves You Very Much
  7. If I Sang a Silly Song...
  8. Little Ones Can Do Big Things Too!
  9. Lettuce Love One Another!
  10. Parade of Animals