Big Idea Fanon Wiki

This version of And Now It's Time for Silly Songs with Larry: The Complete Collection was released in 2018 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of VeggieTales.


Silly Animal Songs[]

  1. The Water Buffalo Song
  2. The Song of the Cebu
  3. Monkey
  4. Lance the Turtle
  5. Perfect Puppy

Silly Dance Songs[]

  1. Dance of the Cucumber
  2. Schoolhouse Polka
  3. The Hopperena
  4. Endangered Love

Silly Food Songs[]

  1. His Cheeseburger
  2. Pizza Angel
  3. The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
  4. Donuts for Benny
  5. Supper Hero
  6. Mac and Cheese
  7. My Golden Egg

Silly Me Songs[]

  1. Love My Lips
  2. Bellybutton
  3. Sneeze If You Need To
  4. Astonishing Wigs
  5. Happy Tooth Day

Silly Christmas Songs[]

  1. Oh, Santa!
  2. Wrapped Myself Up for Christmas
  3. The Eight Polish Foods of Christmas

Silly People Songs[]

  1. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
  2. The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps
  3. The Blues with Larry
  4. Best Friends Forever
  5. Goodnight Junior
  6. Asteroid Cowboys

Songs about Silly Places[]

  1. Gated Community
  2. A Mess Down in Egypt

Silly Stuff Songs[]

  1. Sport Utility Vehicle
  2. Sippy Cup
  3. Where Have All the Staplers Gone?
  4. Pants
  5. Larry's High Silk Hat
  6. The Hairbrush Song
  7. Bubble Rap
  8. Kilts and Stilts