30 Favorite Silly Songs! was a CD that released in 2011, possibly to promote the Easter special Twas the Night Before Easter.
- The Water Buffalo Song
- The Hairbrush Song
- Dance of the Cucumber
- Love My Lips
- Oh Santa
- The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
- The Song of the Cebú
- His Cheeseburger
- The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps
- Endangered Love
- Larry's High Silk Hat
- Do the Moo Shoo
- Bellybutton
- Sport Utility Vehicle
- Schoolhouse Polka
- The Blues with Larry
- Pizza Angel
- My Baby Elf
- Gated Community
- Lance the Turtle
- A Mess Down in Egypt
- Monkey
- The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
- Sneeze If You Need To
- Sippy Cup
- Donuts for Benny
- Where Have All the Staplers Gone?
- Pants
- Goodnight Junior
- The Hopperena
- This is the same as 25 Favorite Silly Songs!, only with a few differences:
- "The New and Improved Bunny Song" is not included.
- "Love My Lips" and "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" are in the right places.
- "Oh, Santa!", "Do the Moo Shoo", "Sport Utility Vehicle", "Gated Community", "A Mess Down in Egypt" and "Sippy Cup" are included.