Big Idea Fanon Wiki
30 Favorite Silly Songs cover

30 Favorite Silly Songs! was a CD that released in 2011, possibly to promote the Easter special Twas the Night Before Easter.


  1. The Water Buffalo Song
  2. The Hairbrush Song
  3. Dance of the Cucumber
  4. Love My Lips
  5. Oh Santa
  6. The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything
  7. The Song of the Cebú
  8. His Cheeseburger
  9. The Yodeling Veterinarian of the Alps
  10. Endangered Love
  11. Larry's High Silk Hat
  12. Do the Moo Shoo
  13. Bellybutton
  14. Sport Utility Vehicle
  15. Schoolhouse Polka
  16. The Blues with Larry
  17. Pizza Angel
  18. My Baby Elf
  19. Gated Community
  20. Lance the Turtle
  21. A Mess Down in Egypt
  22. Monkey
  23. The Biscuit of Zazzamarandabo
  24. Sneeze If You Need To
  25. Sippy Cup
  26. Donuts for Benny
  27. Where Have All the Staplers Gone?
  28. Pants
  29. Goodnight Junior
  30. The Hopperena


  • This is the same as 25 Favorite Silly Songs!, only with a few differences:
    • "The New and Improved Bunny Song" is not included.
    • "Love My Lips" and "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" are in the right places.
    • "Oh, Santa!", "Do the Moo Shoo", "Sport Utility Vehicle", "Gated Community", "A Mess Down in Egypt" and "Sippy Cup" are included.